Sunday, December 29, 2019

The 6 Best Pandora Stations for Studying

According to Nick Perham, a researcher published in Applied Cognitive Psychology, the best music for studying is none at all. He recommends complete quiet or ambient noise, like a soft conversation or muted traffic to make the most of your study time. However, there are students out there who like to listen to tunes while studying anyway. So, what do you do? The absolute best songs to listen to while studying have no lyrics, like the ones provided by these Pandora stations listed below. Why? So that your brain is not confused about which information to keep—the lyrics or your study materials. Lyric-Free Music for Studying by Artist When you log into Pandora, you can search by genre, song, or artist. If you type in Justin Timberlake, for instance, youre going to hear pop/RB music from him and other various artists that resemble his style. The same is true for finding artists that make music thats lyric-free. Since many students are more into music with words, these next six artists and the stations that go along with them may be somewhat less well-known. But when studying time comes along, these names will come in handy. Paul Cardall Radio This station is for those in love with jazz piano, although Cardall does play a variety of other types of music as well. Other artists on this station, like Yiruma, David Nevue, and Chis Rice, delve into contemporary jazz and popular songs without the words, too. Much of the music on here is piano with bass, violin, or guitar accompaniment. Dntel Radio Jimmy Tamborello, or Dntel as he goes by, creates lyric-free electro-pop at its finest. The beats on this Pandora station from similar artists like Ersatz, Ladytron, and Crystal Castles are hypnotic with rhythmic, driving beats and repetitious measures. And since the music is fast-paced, you will absolutely not fall asleep in your textbook. Impossible. Ratatat Radio The name of this duo kind of says it all. The onomatopoeia perfectly describes the rhythm of Mike Shroud, who plays synthesizer, guitar, melodica, and percussion, and of his partner, Evan Mast, who is on bass, synthesizers, and percussion. Its kind of a hip-hoppy electronica, rock mash-up. Ratatat offers some brilliant hip-hop remixes, too, so expect some of that thrown in there, along with the music from similar artists like The Glitch Mob, Martin Jones, and more. This is lyric-free music for studying youre going to want to listen to even when youre not opening the books. The Bad Plus Radio This lyric-free music for studying from The Bad Plus is best described as jazz with nods to pop and rock. The trio, made up of pianist Ethan Iverson, bassist Reid Anderson, and drummer Dave King, goes  at it on their various instruments, putting together explosive harmonies which can, ironically, soothe a disquieted mind. Sounds strange? It can be. But its also addictive. Other artists on their station are Avishai Cohen, Brad Mehldau, and E.S.T. Explosions in the Sky Radio Youve probably heard of Explosions in the Sky before if youve ever ventured into lyric-free music at all. Theyre huge. This group, comprised of Mark Smith, Michael James, Munaf Rayani, and Chris Hrasky, plays lyric-free concerts all over the globe to much acclaim. They stick with electric guitars, synthesizers, and a drum kit, providing other-worldly soulful beats and inspirational rock. Other artists on this station, like Mogwai, Daft Punk, and Hybrid, stick to a similar sound. Tune in if you have anxiety about that test coming up! RJD2 Radio This is where instrumental meets hip-hop in a perfectly syncopated groove. Ramble John RJ Krohn is a music producer and musician who has masterfully conquered lyric-free music. His rhythms make you want to move, which is fantastic if youre drowsy while studying. Other artists on this station are Wax Tailor, The Xx, J-Walk, and even Ratatat.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

ES 1010 Earth Science - 857 Words

ES 1010, Unit 8 Question 11 - Discuss stellar evolution (describing each stage in brief). What forces are opposing one another throughout the life of a star and how do they influence the various stages in the life cycle of a star Stellar evolution stars exist because of gravity. The two opposing forces in a star are gravity (contracts) and thermal nuclear energy (expands). Stage 1 Birth is where gravity contracts the cloud and the temperature rises, becoming a protostar. Protostars are a hypothetical cloud of dust and atoms in space which are believed to develop into a star. Astronomers are fairly certain of their existence. Protostars are formed about a million years after a gas clump from an interstellar gas cloud has started†¦show more content†¦The farther away a star is, the less its parallax. The light year is a unit used to express stellar distance, which is the distance light travels in a year, which is approximately 9.5 trillion kilometers (5.8 trillion miles). The parallax angles are very small. Proxima Centauri is the parallax angle nearest to the star. It is less than one second or arc, which equals 1/3600 of a degree. A human finger is roughly 1 degree wide. The distances to stars are so large that conventional units such as kilometers or astronomical units are often too cumbersome to use. Some limitations are that parallax angles of less than 0.001 arcsec are very difficult to measure from Earth because of the effects on the Earth’s atmosphere. This limits Earth based telescopes to measuring the distances to stars about 10.01 or 100 parsecs away. Spaced based telescopes can get accuracy to 0.001, which has increased the number of stars whose distance could be measured with this method. However, most stars even in our own galaxy are much further away than 1000 parsecs, since the Milky Way is about 30,000 parsecs across. Reference Lutgens, F. K. Tarbuck, E. J. (2011). Foundations of earth science (6th ed.). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

East of eden essay Free Essays

East of Eden, the Trash family shows predator/ prey relationships created when emotionalism takes place within the novel. By definition emotionalism means the unwarranted expression or display of emotion and Steinbeck used this to create dynamic situations between his characters. Charles and Caleb have many of the same qualities and grew up with the same resentment caused by their fathers lack of attention and profuse neglect while there brothers, Adam and Aaron (respectively), got all of the love and care. We will write a custom essay sample on East of eden essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Charles’ case he was push by a few events and exploded with a needless amount of anger and malice. Charles gave his dad a pocket knife for his birthday and he never used It or seemed interested in it, while Adam got him a puppy that lived with him till he died. This hurt Charles and caused him to question his brothers motives You’re trying to take him away! † (29) He screamed to Adam after supper. But this was only the beginning of the explosion. Soon Charles was walling on him, â€Å"Adam felt the punches on temples, cheeks, and eyes† (30). This Is a great example of how quickly emotionalism can turn a simple human relationship Into a primal predator / prey situation. Then there’s Caleb who, like Charles, got back at his brother, Aaron, because his dad favored Aaron over himself. After Adam shunned Caleb for his gift of 1 5,000 dollars Caleb, showed him his that his mother wasn’t dead and that she is a where. This crushed Aaron and he enlisted instead of dealing with the pain. Caleb victimized and hurt his brother when his emotions got the best of him. Cathy/Kate is known for her lack of motion and her cold out look of the world, but she becomes a victim of herself. After Caleb and Aaron come to see her she Is more distraught and confused than before. Joe made it difficult on her because she had to figure out what he was doing and how he was going to do it. With both of these conflicts and her arthritis acting up she was feeling more and more out of control. â€Å"Kate put her head down on the blotter between her crooked hands. She was cold and desolate, she was alone and desolate. † (552)And it’s not like her to let anyone control her situations, so she chose o kill herself. She shrunk Like Alice â€Å"And her heart beat solemnly and her breathing slowed and she grew smaller and smaller and then disappeared- and she had never been†(554). She turned herself into the prey and the predator at the same time. Her emotions got the best of her and she paid for it with her life. Last but not least Adam became a victim of his emotions many times throughout the book, but overall he became a victim of Cathy. Once he fell for her, he only heard what he wanted to hear and everything was great. This Is all fine and good until she gives birth and Is ready o leave. When he tried to stop her â€Å"She shot him. The heavy slug struck him In the shoulder and flattened and tore out a piece of his shouldered. â€Å"(202). This wouldn’t have happened if Adam hadn’t been so blind, due to his emotions, and saw through the false love they shared. In conclusion the Trash family was beaten and brutalized by their emotional tendencies. Steinbeck utilized this weakness in human nature to progress his book and develop his characters. They all become more believable through their flaws and the predator/prey relationship between the characters How to cite East of eden essay, Essays